Qyld Dividend History

Qyld (Global X NASDAQ 100 Covered Call ETF) has a track record of providing dividends to its shareholders. Let’s delve into the details of Qyld dividend history. Using this dividend history, you can make a sound investment decision.

Qyld Dividend Highlights

  • The total number of dividend given by Qyld to its shareholders until 2023 are 113
  • The highest dividend amount is 0.499 per share
  • The lowest dividend amount is 0.1 per share

Qyld Dividend Chart

Qyld Dividend History

Date Dividend Record Date Payment Date
23-OCT-2023 0.167 24-OCT-2023 31-OCT-2023
18-SEP-2023 0.172 19-SEP-2023 26-SEP-2023
21-AUG-2023 0.173 22-AUG-2023 29-AUG-2023
24-JUL-2023 0.18 25-JUL-2023 01-AUG-2023
20-JUN-2023 0.177 21-JUN-2023 28-JUN-2023
22-MAY-2023 0.168 23-MAY-2023 31-MAY-2023
24-APR-2023 0.173 25-APR-2023 02-MAY-2023
20-MAR-2023 0.169 21-MAR-2023 28-MAR-2023
21-FEB-2023 0.167 22-FEB-2023 01-MAR-2023
23-JAN-2023 0.17 24-JAN-2023 31-JAN-2023
29-DEC-2022 0.161 30-DEC-2022 09-JAN-2023
21-NOV-2022 0.165 22-NOV-2022 30-NOV-2022
24-OCT-2022 0.163 25-OCT-2022 01-NOV-2022
19-SEP-2022 0.165 20-SEP-2022 27-SEP-2022
22-AUG-2022 0.181 23-AUG-2022 30-AUG-2022
18-JUL-2022 0.181 19-JUL-2022 26-JUL-2022
21-JUN-2022 0.174 22-JUN-2022 29-JUN-2022
23-MAY-2022 0.178 24-MAY-2022 01-JUN-2022
18-APR-2022 0.205 19-APR-2022 26-APR-2022
21-MAR-2022 0.21 22-MAR-2022 29-MAR-2022
22-FEB-2022 0.202 23-FEB-2022 02-MAR-2022
24-JAN-2022 0.203 25-JAN-2022 01-FEB-2022
30-DEC-2021 0.499 31-DEC-2021 07-JAN-2022
22-NOV-2021 0.225 23-NOV-2021 01-DEC-2021
18-OCT-2021 0.197 19-OCT-2021 26-OCT-2021
20-SEP-2021 0.19 21-SEP-2021 28-SEP-2021
23-AUG-2021 0.188 24-AUG-2021 31-AUG-2021
19-JUL-2021 0.223 20-JUL-2021 27-JUL-2021
21-JUN-2021 0.194 22-JUN-2021 29-JUN-2021
24-MAY-2021 0.221 25-MAY-2021 02-JUN-2021
19-APR-2021 0.228 20-APR-2021 27-APR-2021
22-MAR-2021 0.224 23-MAR-2021 30-MAR-2021
22-FEB-2021 0.233 23-FEB-2021 02-MAR-2021
19-JAN-2021 0.229 20-JAN-2021 27-JAN-2021
30-DEC-2020 0.23 31-DEC-2020 08-JAN-2021
23-NOV-2020 0.223 24-NOV-2020 02-DEC-2020
19-OCT-2020 0.217 20-OCT-2020 27-OCT-2020
21-SEP-2020 0.212 22-SEP-2020 29-SEP-2020
24-AUG-2020 0.22 25-AUG-2020 01-SEP-2020
20-JUL-2020 0.214 21-JUL-2020 28-JUL-2020
22-JUN-2020 0.209 23-JUN-2020 30-JUN-2020
18-MAY-2020 0.204 19-MAY-2020 27-MAY-2020
20-APR-2020 0.199 21-APR-2020 28-APR-2020
23-MAR-2020 0.181 24-MAR-2020 31-MAR-2020
24-FEB-2020 0.238 25-FEB-2020 03-MAR-2020
21-JAN-2020 0.199 22-JAN-2020 29-JAN-2020
30-DEC-2019 0.165 31-DEC-2019 08-JAN-2020
20-NOV-2019 0.195 21-NOV-2019 29-NOV-2019
23-OCT-2019 0.177 24-OCT-2019 31-OCT-2019
25-SEP-2019 0.175 26-SEP-2019 03-OCT-2019
21-AUG-2019 0.227 22-AUG-2019 29-AUG-2019
24-JUL-2019 0.171 25-JUL-2019 01-AUG-2019
26-JUN-2019 0.215 27-JUN-2019 05-JUL-2019
22-MAY-2019 0.211 23-MAY-2019 31-MAY-2019
24-APR-2019 0.179 25-APR-2019 02-MAY-2019
20-MAR-2019 0.204 21-MAR-2019 28-MAR-2019
20-FEB-2019 0.185 21-FEB-2019 28-FEB-2019
23-JAN-2019 0.217 24-JAN-2019 31-JAN-2019
28-DEC-2018 0.172 31-DEC-2018 08-JAN-2019
21-NOV-2018 0.225 23-NOV-2018 27-NOV-2018
24-OCT-2018 0.247 25-OCT-2018 30-OCT-2018
26-SEP-2018 0.201 27-SEP-2018 02-OCT-2018
22-AUG-2018 0.226 23-AUG-2018 28-AUG-2018
25-JUL-2018 0.181 26-JUL-2018 31-JUL-2018
20-JUN-2018 0.2 21-JUN-2018 26-JUN-2018
23-MAY-2018 0.216 24-MAY-2018 29-MAY-2018
25-APR-2018 0.234 26-APR-2018 01-MAY-2018
21-MAR-2018 0.249 22-MAR-2018 27-MAR-2018
21-FEB-2018 0.249 22-FEB-2018 27-FEB-2018
24-JAN-2018 0.25 25-JAN-2018 30-JAN-2018
20-DEC-2017 0.247 21-DEC-2017 26-DEC-2017
22-NOV-2017 0.132 24-NOV-2017 28-NOV-2017
20-SEP-2017 0.154 21-SEP-2017 26-SEP-2017
23-AUG-2017 0.203 25-AUG-2017 29-AUG-2017
26-JUL-2017 0.159 28-JUL-2017 01-AUG-2017
21-JUN-2017 0.221 23-JUN-2017 27-JUN-2017
24-MAY-2017 0.126 26-MAY-2017 30-MAY-2017
26-APR-2017 0.145 28-APR-2017 02-MAY-2017
22-MAR-2017 0.123 24-MAR-2017 28-MAR-2017
22-FEB-2017 0.1 24-FEB-2017 28-FEB-2017
25-JAN-2017 0.128 27-JAN-2017 31-JAN-2017
21-DEC-2016 0.14551 23-DEC-2016 27-DEC-2016
23-NOV-2016 0.16203 28-NOV-2016 29-NOV-2016
26-OCT-2016 0.149 28-OCT-2016 01-NOV-2016
21-SEP-2016 0.19448 23-SEP-2016 27-SEP-2016
24-AUG-2016 0.13 26-AUG-2016 30-AUG-2016
20-JUL-2016 0.141 22-JUL-2016 26-JUL-2016
22-JUN-2016 0.20241 24-JUN-2016 28-JUN-2016
25-MAY-2016 0.171 27-MAY-2016 31-MAY-2016
20-APR-2016 0.15556 22-APR-2016 26-APR-2016
24-FEB-2016 0.22 26-FEB-2016 01-MAR-2016
23-DEC-2015 0.215 28-DEC-2015 30-DEC-2015
25-NOV-2015 0.181 30-NOV-2015 02-DEC-2015
21-OCT-2015 0.214 23-OCT-2015 28-OCT-2015
23-SEP-2015 0.222 25-SEP-2015 30-SEP-2015
26-AUG-2015 0.204 28-AUG-2015 02-SEP-2015
22-JUL-2015 0.152 24-JUL-2015 29-JUL-2015
24-JUN-2015 0.15 26-JUN-2015 01-JUL-2015
20-MAY-2015 0.169 22-MAY-2015 27-MAY-2015
22-APR-2015 0.153 24-APR-2015 29-APR-2015
25-MAR-2015 0.16 27-MAR-2015 01-APR-2015
21-JAN-2015 0.23 23-JAN-2015 28-JAN-2015
24-DEC-2014 0.144 29-DEC-2014 31-DEC-2014
22-OCT-2014 0.241 24-OCT-2014 29-OCT-2014
24-SEP-2014 0.195 26-SEP-2014 01-OCT-2014
20-AUG-2014 0.222 22-AUG-2014 27-AUG-2014
23-JUL-2014 0.209 25-JUL-2014 30-JUL-2014
25-JUN-2014 0.213 27-JUN-2014 02-JUL-2014
21-MAY-2014 0.245 23-MAY-2014 05-JUN-2014
23-APR-2014 0.263 25-APR-2014 08-MAY-2014
26-MAR-2014 0.193 28-MAR-2014 10-APR-2014
26-FEB-2014 0.193 28-FEB-2014 13-MAR-2014
22-JAN-2014 0.257 24-JAN-2014 06-FEB-2014

Also Read: Schd Dividend History

About Qyld (Global X NASDAQ 100 Covered Call ETF)

Global X NASDAQ 100 Covered Call ETF is an investment fund that aims to provide investors with a way to earn income from the stock market. This ETF focuses on companies listed on the NASDAQ 100, which includes some of the largest and most well-known technology companies in the world, like Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft. What makes this ETF unique is that it also uses a strategy called covered calls. This means that the fund sells options to other investors, giving them the right to buy the stocks in the ETF at a specific price in the future. In return for selling these options, the fund collects a premium, which can add to the overall return for investors.

Investing in the Global X NASDAQ 100 Covered Call ETF can be a way for individuals to potentially benefit from the performance of leading technology companies while also generating additional income. It’s important to remember that like all investments, this ETF comes with some level of risk, and there are no returns guarantees. It’s a good idea for investors to carefully consider their own financial goals and risk tolerance before deciding to invest in this or any other fund. Additionally, seeking advice from a financial advisor can be a helpful step in making informed investment decisions.

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