Psec Dividend History from 2004

Psec (Prospect Capital Corporation) has a track record of providing dividends to its shareholders. Let’s delve into the details of Psec dividend history. Using this dividend history, you can make a sound investment decision.

Psec Dividend Highlights

  • The Total number of dividend given by Psec to its shareholders until 2023 are 183
  • The highest dividend amount is 0.41 per share
  • The lowest dividend amount is 0.06 per share

Psec Dividend Chart

Psec Dividend History

Date Dividend Record Date Payment Date
26-OCT-2023 0.06 27-OCT-2023 20-NOV-2023
26-SEP-2023 0.06 27-SEP-2023 19-OCT-2023
28-AUG-2023 0.06 29-AUG-2023 20-SEP-2023
26-JUL-2023 0.06 27-JUL-2023 22-AUG-2023
27-JUN-2023 0.06 28-JUN-2023 20-JUL-2023
25-MAY-2023 0.06 26-MAY-2023 21-JUN-2023
25-APR-2023 0.06 26-APR-2023 18-MAY-2023
28-MAR-2023 0.06 29-MAR-2023 19-APR-2023
23-FEB-2023 0.06 24-FEB-2023 22-MAR-2023
26-JAN-2023 0.06 27-JAN-2023 16-FEB-2023
27-DEC-2022 0.06 28-DEC-2022 19-JAN-2023
25-NOV-2022 0.06 28-NOV-2022 20-DEC-2022
26-OCT-2022 0.06 27-OCT-2022 17-NOV-2022
27-SEP-2022 0.06 28-SEP-2022 20-OCT-2022
26-AUG-2022 0.06 29-AUG-2022 21-SEP-2022
26-JUL-2022 0.06 27-JUL-2022 18-AUG-2022
27-JUN-2022 0.06 28-JUN-2022 20-JUL-2022
26-MAY-2022 0.06 27-MAY-2022 21-JUN-2022
26-APR-2022 0.06 27-APR-2022 19-MAY-2022
28-MAR-2022 0.06 29-MAR-2022 20-APR-2022
23-FEB-2022 0.06 24-FEB-2022 22-MAR-2022
26-JAN-2022 0.06 27-JAN-2022 17-FEB-2022
28-DEC-2021 0.06 29-DEC-2021 20-JAN-2022
24-NOV-2021 0.06 26-NOV-2021 23-DEC-2021
26-OCT-2021 0.06 27-OCT-2021 18-NOV-2021
27-SEP-2021 0.06 28-SEP-2021 21-OCT-2021
26-AUG-2021 0.06 27-AUG-2021 23-SEP-2021
27-JUL-2021 0.06 28-JUL-2021 19-AUG-2021
25-JUN-2021 0.06 28-JUN-2021 22-JUL-2021
26-MAY-2021 0.06 27-MAY-2021 17-JUN-2021
29-APR-2021 0.06 30-APR-2021 20-MAY-2021
19-APR-2021 0.06
30-MAR-2021 0.06 31-MAR-2021 22-APR-2021
25-FEB-2021 0.06 26-FEB-2021 18-MAR-2021
28-JAN-2021 0.06 29-JAN-2021 18-FEB-2021
30-DEC-2020 0.06 31-DEC-2020 21-JAN-2021
27-NOV-2020 0.06 30-NOV-2020 24-DEC-2020
29-OCT-2020 0.06 30-OCT-2020 19-NOV-2020
29-SEP-2020 0.06 30-SEP-2020 22-OCT-2020
28-AUG-2020 0.06 31-AUG-2020 17-SEP-2020
30-JUL-2020 0.06 31-JUL-2020 20-AUG-2020
29-JUN-2020 0.06 30-JUN-2020 23-JUL-2020
28-MAY-2020 0.06 29-MAY-2020 18-JUN-2020
29-APR-2020 0.06 30-APR-2020 21-MAY-2020
30-MAR-2020 0.06 31-MAR-2020 23-APR-2020
27-FEB-2020 0.06 28-FEB-2020 19-MAR-2020
30-JAN-2020 0.06 31-JAN-2020 20-FEB-2020
31-DEC-2019 0.06 02-JAN-2020 23-JAN-2020
27-NOV-2019 0.06 29-NOV-2019 19-DEC-2019
30-OCT-2019 0.06 31-OCT-2019 20-NOV-2019
27-SEP-2019 0.06 30-SEP-2019 24-OCT-2019
29-AUG-2019 0.06 30-AUG-2019 19-SEP-2019
30-JUL-2019 0.06 31-JUL-2019 22-AUG-2019
27-JUN-2019 0.06 28-JUN-2019 18-JUL-2019
30-MAY-2019 0.06 31-MAY-2019 20-JUN-2019
29-APR-2019 0.06 30-APR-2019 23-MAY-2019
28-MAR-2019 0.06 29-MAR-2019 18-APR-2019
27-FEB-2019 0.06 28-FEB-2019 21-MAR-2019
30-JAN-2019 0.06 31-JAN-2019 21-FEB-2019
31-DEC-2018 0.06 02-JAN-2019 24-JAN-2019
29-NOV-2018 0.06 30-NOV-2018 20-DEC-2018
30-OCT-2018 0.06 31-OCT-2018 21-NOV-2018
27-SEP-2018 0.06 28-SEP-2018 18-OCT-2018
30-AUG-2018 0.06 31-AUG-2018 20-SEP-2018
30-JUL-2018 0.06 31-JUL-2018 23-AUG-2018
28-JUN-2018 0.06 29-JUN-2018 19-JUL-2018
30-MAY-2018 0.06 31-MAY-2018 21-JUN-2018
27-APR-2018 0.06 30-APR-2018 24-MAY-2018
28-MAR-2018 0.06 30-MAR-2018 19-APR-2018
27-FEB-2018 0.06 28-FEB-2018 22-MAR-2018
30-JAN-2018 0.06 31-JAN-2018 15-FEB-2018
28-DEC-2017 0.06 29-DEC-2017 18-JAN-2018
29-NOV-2017 0.06 30-NOV-2017 21-DEC-2017
30-OCT-2017 0.06 31-OCT-2017 22-NOV-2017
28-SEP-2017 0.06 29-SEP-2017 19-OCT-2017
29-AUG-2017 0.08333 31-AUG-2017 21-SEP-2017
27-JUL-2017 0.08333 31-JUL-2017 24-AUG-2017
28-JUN-2017 0.08333 30-JUN-2017 20-JUL-2017
26-MAY-2017 0.08333 31-MAY-2017 22-JUN-2017
26-APR-2017 0.08333 28-APR-2017 18-MAY-2017
29-MAR-2017 0.08333 31-MAR-2017 20-APR-2017
24-FEB-2017 0.08333 28-FEB-2017 23-MAR-2017
27-JAN-2017 0.08333 31-JAN-2017 16-FEB-2017
28-DEC-2016 0.08333 30-DEC-2016 19-JAN-2017
28-NOV-2016 0.08333 30-NOV-2016 22-DEC-2016
27-OCT-2016 0.08333 31-OCT-2016 17-NOV-2016
28-SEP-2016 0.08333 30-SEP-2016 20-OCT-2016
29-AUG-2016 0.08333 31-AUG-2016 22-SEP-2016
27-JUL-2016 0.08333 29-JUL-2016 18-AUG-2016
28-JUN-2016 0.08333 30-JUN-2016 21-JUL-2016
26-MAY-2016 0.08333 31-MAY-2016 23-JUN-2016
27-APR-2016 0.08333 29-APR-2016 19-MAY-2016
29-MAR-2016 0.08333 31-MAR-2016 21-APR-2016
25-FEB-2016 0.08333 29-FEB-2016 24-MAR-2016
27-JAN-2016 0.08333 29-JAN-2016 18-FEB-2016
29-DEC-2015 0.08333 31-DEC-2015 21-JAN-2016
25-NOV-2015 0.08333 30-NOV-2015 24-DEC-2015
28-OCT-2015 0.08333 30-OCT-2015 19-NOV-2015
28-SEP-2015 0.08333 30-SEP-2015 22-OCT-2015
27-AUG-2015 0.08333 31-AUG-2015 17-SEP-2015
29-JUL-2015 0.08333 31-JUL-2015 20-AUG-2015
26-JUN-2015 0.08333 30-JUN-2015 23-JUL-2015
27-MAY-2015 0.08333 29-MAY-2015 18-JUN-2015
28-APR-2015 0.08333 30-APR-2015 21-MAY-2015
27-MAR-2015 0.08333 31-MAR-2015 23-APR-2015
25-FEB-2015 0.08333 27-FEB-2015 19-MAR-2015
28-JAN-2015 0.110625 30-JAN-2015 19-FEB-2015
29-DEC-2014 0.1106 31-DEC-2014 22-JAN-2015
25-NOV-2014 0.110575 28-NOV-2014 18-DEC-2014
29-OCT-2014 0.11055 31-OCT-2014 20-NOV-2014
26-SEP-2014 0.110525 30-SEP-2014 22-OCT-2014
27-AUG-2014 0.1105 29-AUG-2014 18-SEP-2014
29-JUL-2014 0.110475 31-JUL-2014 21-AUG-2014
26-JUN-2014 0.11045 30-JUN-2014 24-JUL-2014
28-MAY-2014 0.110425 30-MAY-2014 19-JUN-2014
28-APR-2014 0.1104 30-APR-2014 22-MAY-2014
27-MAR-2014 0.110375 31-MAR-2014 17-APR-2014
26-FEB-2014 0.11035 28-FEB-2014 20-MAR-2014
29-JAN-2014 0.110325 31-JAN-2014 20-FEB-2014
27-DEC-2013 0.1103 31-DEC-2013 23-JAN-2014
26-NOV-2013 0.110275 29-NOV-2013 19-DEC-2013
29-OCT-2013 0.11025 31-OCT-2013 21-NOV-2013
26-SEP-2013 0.110225 30-SEP-2013 24-OCT-2013
28-AUG-2013 0.1102 30-AUG-2013 19-SEP-2013
29-JUL-2013 0.110175 31-JUL-2013 22-AUG-2013
26-JUN-2013 0.11015 28-JUN-2013 18-JUL-2013
29-MAY-2013 0.110125 31-MAY-2013 20-JUN-2013
26-APR-2013 0.1101 30-APR-2013 23-MAY-2013
26-MAR-2013 0.110075 29-MAR-2013 18-APR-2013
26-FEB-2013 0.11005 28-FEB-2013 21-MAR-2013
29-JAN-2013 0.110025 31-JAN-2013 20-FEB-2013
27-DEC-2012 0.11 31-DEC-2012 23-JAN-2013
28-NOV-2012 0.101675 30-NOV-2012 20-DEC-2012
26-SEP-2012 0.101625 28-SEP-2012 24-OCT-2012
29-AUG-2012 0.1016 31-AUG-2012 21-SEP-2012
27-JUL-2012 0.101575 31-JUL-2012 24-AUG-2012
27-JUN-2012 0.10155 29-JUN-2012 24-JUL-2012
29-MAY-2012 0.101525 31-MAY-2012 22-JUN-2012
26-APR-2012 0.1015 30-APR-2012 24-MAY-2012
28-MAR-2012 0.101475 30-MAR-2012 20-APR-2012
27-FEB-2012 0.10145 29-FEB-2012 23-MAR-2012
27-JAN-2012 0.101425 31-JAN-2012 17-FEB-2012
28-DEC-2011 0.1014 30-DEC-2011 25-JAN-2012
28-NOV-2011 0.101375 30-NOV-2011 22-DEC-2011
27-OCT-2011 0.10135 31-OCT-2011 22-NOV-2011
28-SEP-2011 0.101325 30-SEP-2011 25-OCT-2011
29-AUG-2011 0.1013 31-AUG-2011 23-SEP-2011
27-JUL-2011 0.101275 29-JUL-2011 26-AUG-2011
28-JUN-2011 0.10125 30-JUN-2011 22-JUL-2011
26-MAY-2011 0.101225 31-MAY-2011 24-JUN-2011
27-APR-2011 0.1012 29-APR-2011 31-MAY-2011
29-MAR-2011 0.101175 31-MAR-2011 29-APR-2011
24-FEB-2011 0.10115 28-FEB-2011 31-MAR-2011
27-JAN-2011 0.101125 31-JAN-2011 28-FEB-2011
29-DEC-2010 0.101 31-DEC-2010 31-JAN-2011
26-NOV-2010 0.100875 30-NOV-2010 31-DEC-2010
27-OCT-2010 0.10075 29-OCT-2010 30-NOV-2010
28-SEP-2010 0.100625 30-SEP-2010 29-OCT-2010
27-AUG-2010 0.1005 31-AUG-2010 30-SEP-2010
28-JUL-2010 0.10025 30-JUL-2010 31-AUG-2010
28-JUN-2010 0.1 30-JUN-2010 30-JUL-2010
30-MAR-2010 0.41 31-MAR-2010 23-APR-2010
29-DEC-2009 0.40875 31-DEC-2009 25-JAN-2010
06-OCT-2009 0.4075 08-OCT-2009 19-OCT-2009
06-JUL-2009 0.40625 08-JUL-2009 20-JUL-2009
27-MAR-2009 0.405 31-MAR-2009 20-APR-2009
29-DEC-2008 0.40375 31-DEC-2008 19-JAN-2009
26-SEP-2008 0.4025 30-SEP-2008 16-OCT-2008
26-JUN-2008 0.40125 30-JUN-2008 16-JUL-2008
27-MAR-2008 0.4 31-MAR-2008 16-APR-2008
26-DEC-2007 0.395 28-DEC-2007 07-JAN-2008
17-SEP-2007 0.3925 19-SEP-2007 28-SEP-2007
20-JUN-2007 0.39 22-JUN-2007 29-JUN-2007
21-MAR-2007 0.3875 23-MAR-2007 30-MAR-2007
27-DEC-2006 0.385 29-DEC-2006 05-JAN-2007
20-SEP-2006 0.38 22-SEP-2006 29-SEP-2006
21-JUN-2006 0.34 23-JUN-2006 30-JUN-2006
22-MAR-2006 0.3 24-MAR-2006 31-MAR-2006
20-DEC-2005 0.28 22-DEC-2005 29-DEC-2005
20-SEP-2005 0.2 22-SEP-2005 29-SEP-2005
08-JUN-2005 0.15 10-JUN-2005 30-JUN-2005
09-MAR-2005 0.125 11-MAR-2005 31-MAR-2005
08-DEC-2004 0.1 10-DEC-2004 30-DEC-2004

Also Read: Xom Dividend History

About Prospect Capital Corporation

Prospect Capital Corporation is a company that helps other businesses grow and succeed. They do this by providing them with the money they need to expand, buy new equipment, or improve their operations. It’s like being a supportive friend to businesses, giving them a financial boost when they need it the most.

One special thing about Prospect Capital Corporation is that they focus on smaller and medium-sized companies. These are businesses that may not have access to big banks or lots of resources. Prospect Capital steps in to fill that gap, offering them the support they need to thrive. They’re like a helping hand for businesses, making sure they have the resources to reach their full potential.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that the information provided is for informational and educational purposes only, and should not be considered as trading advice. It is strongly advised to conduct your own research before making any investment decisions.

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