Mpw Dividend History from 2005

Mpw (Medical Properties Trust, Inc.) has a track record of providing dividends to its shareholders. Let’s delve into the details of Mpw dividend history. Using this dividend history, you can make a sound investment decision.

Mpw Dividend Highlights

  • The Total number of dividend given by Mpw to its shareholders until 2023 are 73
  • The highest dividend amount is 0.29 per share
  • The lowest dividend amount is 0.15 per share

Mpw Dividend Chart

Mpw Dividend History

Date Dividend Record Date Payment Date
13-SEP-2023 0.15 14-SEP-2023 12-OCT-2023
14-JUN-2023 0.29 15-JUN-2023 13-JUL-2023
15-MAR-2023 0.29 16-MAR-2023 13-APR-2023
07-DEC-2022 0.29 08-DEC-2022 12-JAN-2023
14-SEP-2022 0.29 15-SEP-2022 13-OCT-2022
15-JUN-2022 0.29 16-JUN-2022 14-JUL-2022
16-MAR-2022 0.29 17-MAR-2022 14-APR-2022
08-DEC-2021 0.28 09-DEC-2021 13-JAN-2022
15-SEP-2021 0.28 16-SEP-2021 14-OCT-2021
16-JUN-2021 0.28 17-JUN-2021 08-JUL-2021
17-MAR-2021 0.28 18-MAR-2021 08-APR-2021
09-DEC-2020 0.27 10-DEC-2020 07-JAN-2021
09-SEP-2020 0.27 10-SEP-2020 08-OCT-2020
17-JUN-2020 0.27 18-JUN-2020 16-JUL-2020
11-MAR-2020 0.27 12-MAR-2020 09-APR-2020
11-DEC-2019 0.26 12-DEC-2019 09-JAN-2020
11-SEP-2019 0.26 12-SEP-2019 10-OCT-2019
12-JUN-2019 0.25 13-JUN-2019 11-JUL-2019
13-MAR-2019 0.25 14-MAR-2019 11-APR-2019
12-DEC-2018 0.25 13-DEC-2018 10-JAN-2019
12-SEP-2018 0.25 13-SEP-2018 11-OCT-2018
13-JUN-2018 0.25 14-JUN-2018 12-JUL-2018
14-MAR-2018 0.25 15-MAR-2018 12-APR-2018
06-DEC-2017 0.24 07-DEC-2017 11-JAN-2018
13-SEP-2017 0.24 14-SEP-2017 12-OCT-2017
13-JUN-2017 0.24 15-JUN-2017 14-JUL-2017
14-MAR-2017 0.24 16-MAR-2017 13-APR-2017
06-DEC-2016 0.23 08-DEC-2016 12-JAN-2017
13-SEP-2016 0.23 15-SEP-2016 13-OCT-2016
14-JUN-2016 0.23 16-JUN-2016 14-JUL-2016
15-MAR-2016 0.22 17-MAR-2016 14-APR-2016
08-DEC-2015 0.22 10-DEC-2015 14-JAN-2016
15-SEP-2015 0.22 17-SEP-2015 15-OCT-2015
09-JUN-2015 0.22 11-JUN-2015 09-JUL-2015
10-MAR-2015 0.22 12-MAR-2015 09-APR-2015
02-DEC-2014 0.21 04-DEC-2014 08-JAN-2015
16-SEP-2014 0.21 18-SEP-2014 15-OCT-2014
10-JUN-2014 0.21 12-JUN-2014 10-JUL-2014
12-MAR-2014 0.21 14-MAR-2014 11-APR-2014
29-NOV-2013 0.21 03-DEC-2013 07-JAN-2014
10-SEP-2013 0.2 12-SEP-2013 10-OCT-2013
11-JUN-2013 0.2 13-JUN-2013 11-JUL-2013
12-MAR-2013 0.2 14-MAR-2013 11-APR-2013
20-NOV-2012 0.2 23-NOV-2012 05-JAN-2013
11-SEP-2012 0.2 13-SEP-2012 11-OCT-2012
12-JUN-2012 0.2 14-JUN-2012 12-JUL-2012
13-MAR-2012 0.2 15-MAR-2012 12-APR-2012
06-DEC-2011 0.2 08-DEC-2011 05-JAN-2012
13-SEP-2011 0.2 15-SEP-2011 13-OCT-2011
14-JUN-2011 0.2 16-JUN-2011 14-JUL-2011
15-MAR-2011 0.2 17-MAR-2011 14-APR-2011
07-DEC-2010 0.2 09-DEC-2010 06-JAN-2011
10-SEP-2010 0.2 14-SEP-2010 14-OCT-2010
15-JUN-2010 0.2 17-JUN-2010 15-JUL-2010
16-MAR-2010 0.2 18-MAR-2010 14-APR-2010
15-DEC-2009 0.2 17-DEC-2009 14-JAN-2010
15-SEP-2009 0.2 17-SEP-2009 15-OCT-2009
09-JUN-2009 0.2 11-JUN-2009 14-JUL-2009
17-MAR-2009 0.2 19-MAR-2009 09-APR-2009
19-DEC-2008 0.2 23-DEC-2008 22-JAN-2009
16-SEP-2008 0.27 18-SEP-2008 16-OCT-2008
11-JUN-2008 0.27 13-JUN-2008 11-JUL-2008
11-MAR-2008 0.27 13-MAR-2008 11-APR-2008
11-DEC-2007 0.27 13-DEC-2007 11-JAN-2008
12-SEP-2007 0.27 14-SEP-2007 19-OCT-2007
12-JUN-2007 0.27 14-JUN-2007 12-JUL-2007
27-MAR-2007 0.27 29-MAR-2007 12-APR-2007
12-DEC-2006 0.27 14-DEC-2006 11-JAN-2007
12-SEP-2006 0.26 14-SEP-2006 12-OCT-2006
13-JUN-2006 0.25 15-JUN-2006 13-JUL-2006
13-MAR-2006 0.21 15-MAR-2006 12-APR-2006
13-DEC-2005 0.18 15-DEC-2005 19-JAN-2006
13-SEP-2005 0.17 15-SEP-2005 29-SEP-2005

Also Read: Arcc Dividend History

About Medical Properties Trust, Inc.

Medical Properties Trust, Inc. is a company in the United States that helps hospitals and healthcare places by providing them with places to do their essential work. It’s like being a helper to doctors and nurses. Medical Properties Trust owns buildings, like big houses, where hospitals and healthcare services can take care of people who are sick or need medical attention. These buildings have rooms for patients, spaces for surgeries, and everything else that helps doctors and nurses do their jobs.

When people invest in Medical Properties Trust, they are like supporters helping to ensure hospitals have the places they need to take care of patients. It’s like being a team member to ensure everyone gets the medical help they need. The company also makes money by renting these buildings to healthcare providers, and some of that money might go back to the people who invested in Medical Properties Trust. So, it’s not just a business; it’s a way for people to help ensure there are enough healthcare places when needed.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that the information provided is for informational and educational purposes only, and should not be considered as trading advice. It is strongly advised to conduct your own research before making any investment decisions.

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