Jepq Dividend History

Jepq (J.P. Morgan) has a track record of providing dividends to its shareholders. Let’s delve into the details of Jepq dividend history. Using this dividend history, you can make a sound investment decision.

Jepq Dividend Highlights

  • The total number of dividend given by Jepq to its shareholders until 2023 are 17
  • The highest dividend amount is 0.681 per share
  • The lowest dividend amount is 0.34 per share

Jepq Dividend Chart

Jepq Dividend History

Date Dividend Record Date Payment Date
02-OCT-2023 0.417 03-OCT-2023 05-OCT-2023
01-SEP-2023 0.451 05-SEP-2023 07-SEP-2023
01-AUG-2023 0.366 02-AUG-2023 04-AUG-2023
03-JUL-2023 0.367 05-JUL-2023 07-JUL-2023
01-JUN-2023 0.363 02-JUN-2023 06-JUN-2023
01-MAY-2023 0.484 02-MAY-2023 04-MAY-2023
03-APR-2023 0.454 04-APR-2023 06-APR-2023
01-MAR-2023 0.433 02-MAR-2023 06-MAR-2023
01-FEB-2023 0.441 02-FEB-2023 06-FEB-2023
29-DEC-2022 0.576 10-MAY-2023 20-DEC-2022
01-DEC-2022 0.546 02-DEC-2022 06-DEC-2022
01-NOV-2022 0.681 02-NOV-2022 04-NOV-2022
03-OCT-2022 0.38 04-OCT-2022 06-OCT-2022
01-SEP-2022 0.546 02-SEP-2022 07-SEP-2022
01-AUG-2022 0.407 02-AUG-2022 04-AUG-2022
01-JUL-2022 0.34 05-JUL-2022 07-JUL-2022
01-JUN-2022 0.376 02-JUN-2022 06-JUN-2022

Also Read: Arr Dividend History from 2010

About J.P.Morgan

J.P. Morgan is a big company that does lots of things in the world of finance. They help people and other companies with their money. They started a long time ago, back in 1871, and have grown to become one of the most well-known banks in the world. They have branches in many countries, so they can help people from all over. J.P. Morgan is known for being smart with money and helping their customers make good financial choices.

One of the things that makes J.P. Morgan special is that they offer lots of different services. They can help with things like managing investments, lending money, and even advising big businesses. They have experts who understand the complicated world of finance and can give good advice. People trust J.P. Morgan because they have a long history of being reliable and knowing how to handle money wisely. So, if you need help with your finances, J.P. Morgan is a company you can consider.

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