Arcc Dividend History from 2004

Arcc (Ares Capital Corporation) has a track record of providing dividends to its shareholders. Let’s delve into the details of Arcc dividend history. Using this dividend history, you can make a sound investment decision.

Arcc Dividend Highlights

  • The Total number of dividend given by Arcc to its shareholders until 2023 are 76
  • The highest dividend amount is 0.5 per share
  • The lowest dividend amount is 0.3 per share

Arcc Dividend Chart

Arcc Dividend History

Date Dividend Record Date Payment Date
14-SEP-2023 0.48 15-SEP-2023 29-SEP-2023
14-JUN-2023 0.48 15-JUN-2023 30-JUN-2023
14-MAR-2023 0.48 15-MAR-2023 31-MAR-2023
14-DEC-2022 0.48 15-DEC-2022 29-DEC-2022
14-SEP-2022 0.46 15-SEP-2022 30-SEP-2022
14-JUN-2022 0.45 15-JUN-2022 30-JUN-2022
14-MAR-2022 0.45 15-MAR-2022 31-MAR-2022
14-DEC-2021 0.41 15-DEC-2021 30-DEC-2021
14-SEP-2021 0.41 15-SEP-2021 30-SEP-2021
14-JUN-2021 0.4 15-JUN-2021 30-JUN-2021
12-MAR-2021 0.4 15-MAR-2021 31-MAR-2021
14-DEC-2020 0.4 15-DEC-2020 30-DEC-2020
14-SEP-2020 0.4 15-SEP-2020 30-SEP-2020
12-JUN-2020 0.4 15-JUN-2020 30-JUN-2020
13-MAR-2020 0.4 16-MAR-2020 31-MAR-2020
13-DEC-2019 0.4 16-DEC-2019 27-DEC-2019
13-SEP-2019 0.4 16-SEP-2019 30-SEP-2019
13-JUN-2019 0.42 14-JUN-2019 28-JUN-2019
14-MAR-2019 0.42 15-MAR-2019 29-MAR-2019
13-DEC-2018 0.39 14-DEC-2018 28-DEC-2018
13-SEP-2018 0.39 14-SEP-2018 28-SEP-2018
14-JUN-2018 0.38 15-JUN-2018 29-JUN-2018
14-MAR-2018 0.38 15-MAR-2018 30-MAR-2018
14-DEC-2017 0.38 15-DEC-2017 29-DEC-2017
14-SEP-2017 0.38 15-SEP-2017 29-SEP-2017
13-JUN-2017 0.38 15-JUN-2017 30-JUN-2017
13-MAR-2017 0.38 15-MAR-2017 31-MAR-2017
13-DEC-2016 0.38 15-DEC-2016 30-DEC-2016
13-SEP-2016 0.38 15-SEP-2016 30-SEP-2016
13-JUN-2016 0.38 15-JUN-2016 30-JUN-2016
11-MAR-2016 0.38 15-MAR-2016 31-MAR-2016
11-DEC-2015 0.38 15-DEC-2015 31-DEC-2015
11-SEP-2015 0.38 15-SEP-2015 30-SEP-2015
11-JUN-2015 0.38 15-JUN-2015 30-JUN-2015
11-MAR-2015 0.38 13-MAR-2015 31-MAR-2015
11-DEC-2014 0.38 15-DEC-2014 31-DEC-2014
11-SEP-2014 0.38 15-SEP-2014 30-SEP-2014
12-JUN-2014 0.38 16-JUN-2014 30-JUN-2014
12-MAR-2014 0.38 14-MAR-2014 28-MAR-2014
12-DEC-2013 0.43 16-DEC-2013 31-DEC-2013
12-SEP-2013 0.38 16-SEP-2013 30-SEP-2013
12-JUN-2013 0.38 14-JUN-2013 28-JUN-2013
13-MAR-2013 0.38 15-MAR-2013 29-MAR-2013
12-DEC-2012 0.43 14-DEC-2012 28-DEC-2012
12-SEP-2012 0.43 14-SEP-2012 28-SEP-2012
13-JUN-2012 0.37 15-JUN-2012 29-JUN-2012
13-MAR-2012 0.37 15-MAR-2012 30-MAR-2012
13-DEC-2011 0.36 15-DEC-2011 30-DEC-2011
13-SEP-2011 0.35 15-SEP-2011 30-SEP-2011
13-JUN-2011 0.35 15-JUN-2011 30-JUN-2011
11-MAR-2011 0.35 15-MAR-2011 31-MAR-2011
13-DEC-2010 0.35 15-DEC-2010 31-DEC-2010
13-SEP-2010 0.35 15-SEP-2010 30-SEP-2010
11-JUN-2010 0.35 15-JUN-2010 30-JUN-2010
11-MAR-2010 0.35 15-MAR-2010 31-MAR-2010
11-DEC-2009 0.35 15-DEC-2009 31-DEC-2009
11-SEP-2009 0.35 15-SEP-2009 30-SEP-2009
11-JUN-2009 0.35 15-JUN-2009 30-JUN-2009
12-MAR-2009 0.42 16-MAR-2009 31-MAR-2009
11-DEC-2008 0.42 15-DEC-2008 02-JAN-2009
11-SEP-2008 0.42 15-SEP-2008 30-SEP-2008
12-JUN-2008 0.42 16-JUN-2008 30-JUN-2008
13-MAR-2008 0.42 17-MAR-2008 31-MAR-2008
12-DEC-2007 0.42 14-DEC-2007 31-DEC-2007
12-SEP-2007 0.42 14-SEP-2007 28-SEP-2007
13-JUN-2007 0.41 15-JUN-2007 29-JUN-2007
15-MAR-2007 0.41 19-MAR-2007 30-MAR-2007
13-DEC-2006 0.5 15-DEC-2006 29-DEC-2006
13-SEP-2006 0.4 15-SEP-2006 29-SEP-2006
13-JUN-2006 0.38 15-JUN-2006 30-JUN-2006
22-MAR-2006 0.36 24-MAR-2006 14-APR-2006
20-DEC-2005 0.34 22-DEC-2005 16-JAN-2006
14-SEP-2005 0.34 16-SEP-2005 30-SEP-2005
28-JUN-2005 0.32 30-JUN-2005 15-JUL-2005
03-MAR-2005 0.3 07-MAR-2005 12-APR-2005
22-DEC-2004 0.3 27-DEC-2004 26-JAN-2005

Also Read: Et Dividend History

About Ares Capital Corporation

Ares Capital Corporation is a company in the United States that helps other companies by giving them money to grow and do better. It’s like being a friend who lends money when someone needs it. Ares Capital does this by providing loans and financial support to different businesses, helping them buy new equipment or expand their operations. In return, these companies pay back the money over time.

The company is like a puzzle piece in the business world, connecting investors who want to support businesses with those who need extra funds. Ares Capital Corporation is like a bridge, making it possible for small and medium-sized companies to get the financial help they need to succeed. People who invest in Ares Capital might get a share of the money the company makes, like being a partner in helping businesses grow. This way, everyone can work together to build a stronger and more successful business community.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that the information provided is for informational and educational purposes only, and should not be considered as trading advice. It is strongly advised to conduct your own research before making any investment decisions.

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