Agnc Dividend History

Agnc (AGNC Investment Corp.) has a track record of providing dividends to its shareholders. Let’s delve into the details of Agnc dividend history. Using this dividend history, you can make a sound investment decision.

Agnc Dividend Highlights

  • The total number of dividend given by Agnc to its shareholders until 2023 are 134
  • The highest dividend amount is 1.5 per share
  • The lowest dividend amount is 0.12 per share

Agnc Dividend Chart

Agnc Dividend History

Date Dividend Record Date Payment Date
28-SEP-2023 0.12 29-SEP-2023 11-OCT-2023
30-AUG-2023 0.12 31-AUG-2023 12-SEP-2023
28-JUL-2023 0.12 31-JUL-2023 09-AUG-2023
29-JUN-2023 0.12 30-JUN-2023 12-JUL-2023
30-MAY-2023 0.12 31-MAY-2023 09-JUN-2023
27-APR-2023 0.12 28-APR-2023 09-MAY-2023
30-MAR-2023 0.12 31-MAR-2023 09-MAY-2023
27-FEB-2023 0.12 28-FEB-2023 09-MAR-2023
30-JAN-2023 0.12 31-JAN-2023 09-FEB-2023
29-DEC-2022 0.12 30-DEC-2022 11-JAN-2023
29-NOV-2022 0.12 30-NOV-2022 09-DEC-2022
28-OCT-2022 0.12 31-OCT-2022 09-NOV-2022
29-SEP-2022 0.12 30-SEP-2022 12-OCT-2022
30-AUG-2022 0.12 31-AUG-2022 12-SEP-2022
28-JUL-2022 0.12 29-JUL-2022 09-AUG-2022
29-JUN-2022 0.12 30-JUN-2022 12-JUL-2022
27-MAY-2022 0.12 31-MAY-2022 09-JUN-2022
28-APR-2022 0.12 29-APR-2022 10-MAY-2022
30-MAR-2022 0.12 31-MAR-2022 12-APR-2022
25-FEB-2022 0.12 28-FEB-2022 09-MAR-2022
28-JAN-2022 0.12 31-JAN-2022 09-FEB-2022
30-DEC-2021 0.12 31-DEC-2021 11-JAN-2022
29-NOV-2021 0.12 30-NOV-2021 09-DEC-2021
28-OCT-2021 0.12 29-OCT-2021 09-NOV-2021
29-SEP-2021 0.12 30-SEP-2021 12-OCT-2021
30-AUG-2021 0.12 31-AUG-2021 10-SEP-2021
29-JUL-2021 0.12 30-JUL-2021 10-AUG-2021
29-JUN-2021 0.12 30-JUN-2021 12-JUL-2021
27-MAY-2021 0.12 28-MAY-2021 09-JUN-2021
29-APR-2021 0.12 30-APR-2021 11-MAY-2021
30-MAR-2021 0.12 31-MAR-2021 12-APR-2021
25-FEB-2021 0.12 26-FEB-2021 09-MAR-2021
28-JAN-2021 0.12 29-JAN-2021 09-FEB-2021
30-DEC-2020 0.12 31-DEC-2020 12-JAN-2021
27-NOV-2020 0.12 30-NOV-2020 09-DEC-2020
29-OCT-2020 0.12 30-OCT-2020 10-NOV-2020
29-SEP-2020 0.12 30-SEP-2020 09-OCT-2020
28-AUG-2020 0.12 31-AUG-2020 10-SEP-2020
30-JUL-2020 0.12 31-JUL-2020 11-AUG-2020
29-JUN-2020 0.12 30-JUN-2020 10-JUL-2020
28-MAY-2020 0.12 29-MAY-2020 09-JUN-2020
29-APR-2020 0.12 30-APR-2020 11-MAY-2020
30-MAR-2020 0.16 31-MAR-2020 09-APR-2020
27-FEB-2020 0.16 28-FEB-2020 10-MAR-2020
30-JAN-2020 0.16 31-JAN-2020 11-FEB-2020
30-DEC-2019 0.16 31-DEC-2019 10-JAN-2020
27-NOV-2019 0.16 29-NOV-2019 10-DEC-2019
30-OCT-2019 0.16 31-OCT-2019 12-NOV-2019
27-SEP-2019 0.16 30-SEP-2019 09-OCT-2019
29-AUG-2019 0.16 30-AUG-2019 11-SEP-2019
30-JUL-2019 0.16 31-JUL-2019 09-AUG-2019
27-JUN-2019 0.16 28-JUN-2019 10-JUL-2019
30-MAY-2019 0.16 31-MAY-2019 11-JUN-2019
29-APR-2019 0.18 30-APR-2019 09-MAY-2019
28-MAR-2019 0.18 29-MAR-2019 09-APR-2019
27-FEB-2019 0.18 28-FEB-2019 11-MAR-2019
30-JAN-2019 0.18 31-JAN-2019 11-FEB-2019
28-DEC-2018 0.18 31-DEC-2018 09-JAN-2019
29-NOV-2018 0.18 30-NOV-2018 10-DEC-2018
30-OCT-2018 0.18 31-OCT-2018 09-NOV-2018
27-SEP-2018 0.18 28-SEP-2018 09-OCT-2018
30-AUG-2018 0.18 31-AUG-2018 11-SEP-2018
30-JUL-2018 0.18 31-JUL-2018 08-AUG-2018
28-JUN-2018 0.18 29-JUN-2018 09-JUL-2018
30-MAY-2018 0.18 31-MAY-2018 08-JUN-2018
27-APR-2018 0.18 30-APR-2018 09-MAY-2018
28-MAR-2018 0.18 29-MAR-2018 09-APR-2018
27-FEB-2018 0.18 28-FEB-2018 08-MAR-2018
30-JAN-2018 0.18 31-JAN-2018 08-FEB-2018
28-DEC-2017 0.18 29-DEC-2017 09-JAN-2018
29-NOV-2017 0.18 30-NOV-2017 08-DEC-2017
30-OCT-2017 0.18 31-OCT-2017 09-NOV-2017
28-SEP-2017 0.18 29-SEP-2017 10-OCT-2017
29-AUG-2017 0.18 31-AUG-2017 08-SEP-2017
27-JUL-2017 0.18 31-JUL-2017 07-AUG-2017
28-JUN-2017 0.18 30-JUN-2017 07-JUL-2017
26-MAY-2017 0.18 31-MAY-2017 08-JUN-2017
26-APR-2017 0.18 28-APR-2017 08-MAY-2017
29-MAR-2017 0.18 31-MAR-2017 07-APR-2017
24-FEB-2017 0.18 28-FEB-2017 08-MAR-2017
27-JAN-2017 0.18 31-JAN-2017 08-FEB-2017
28-DEC-2016 0.18 30-DEC-2016 09-JAN-2017
28-NOV-2016 0.18 30-NOV-2016 08-DEC-2016
27-OCT-2016 0.18 31-OCT-2016 08-NOV-2016
28-SEP-2016 0.18 30-SEP-2016 07-OCT-2016
29-AUG-2016 0.18 31-AUG-2016 09-SEP-2016
27-JUL-2016 0.2 29-JUL-2016 08-AUG-2016
28-JUN-2016 0.2 30-JUN-2016 08-JUL-2016
26-MAY-2016 0.2 31-MAY-2016 09-JUN-2016
27-APR-2016 0.2 29-APR-2016 09-MAY-2016
29-MAR-2016 0.2 31-MAR-2016 08-APR-2016
25-FEB-2016 0.2 29-FEB-2016 08-MAR-2016
27-JAN-2016 0.2 29-JAN-2016 08-FEB-2016
29-DEC-2015 0.2 31-DEC-2015 08-JAN-2016
25-NOV-2015 0.2 30-NOV-2015 09-DEC-2015
28-OCT-2015 0.2 30-OCT-2015 09-NOV-2015
28-SEP-2015 0.2 30-SEP-2015 09-OCT-2015
27-AUG-2015 0.2 31-AUG-2015 08-SEP-2015
29-JUL-2015 0.2 31-JUL-2015 07-AUG-2015
26-JUN-2015 0.2 30-JUN-2015 08-JUL-2015
27-MAY-2015 0.2 29-MAY-2015 05-JUN-2015
28-APR-2015 0.22 30-APR-2015 08-MAY-2015
27-MAR-2015 0.22 31-MAR-2015 10-APR-2015
25-FEB-2015 0.22 27-FEB-2015 06-MAR-2015
28-JAN-2015 0.22 30-JAN-2015 06-FEB-2015
29-DEC-2014 0.22 31-DEC-2014 09-JAN-2015
25-NOV-2014 0.22 28-NOV-2014 05-DEC-2014
29-OCT-2014 0.22 31-OCT-2014 07-NOV-2014
26-SEP-2014 0.65 30-SEP-2014 27-OCT-2014
26-JUN-2014 0.65 30-JUN-2014 28-JUL-2014
25-MAR-2014 0.65 31-MAR-2014 28-APR-2014
27-DEC-2013 0.65 31-DEC-2013 28-JAN-2014
26-SEP-2013 0.8 30-SEP-2013 28-OCT-2013
26-JUN-2013 1.05 28-JUN-2013 26-JUL-2013
18-MAR-2013 1.25 20-MAR-2013 26-APR-2013
24-DEC-2012 1.25 27-DEC-2012 28-JAN-2013
19-SEP-2012 1.25 21-SEP-2012 26-OCT-2012
19-JUN-2012 1.25 21-JUN-2012 27-JUL-2012
05-MAR-2012 1.25 07-MAR-2012 27-APR-2012
20-DEC-2011 1.4 22-DEC-2011 27-JAN-2012
21-SEP-2011 1.4 23-SEP-2011 27-OCT-2011
21-JUN-2011 1.4 23-JUN-2011 27-JUL-2011
21-MAR-2011 1.4 23-MAR-2011 27-APR-2011
29-DEC-2010 1.4 31-DEC-2010 27-JAN-2011
24-SEP-2010 1.4 28-SEP-2010 27-OCT-2010
28-JUN-2010 1.4 30-JUN-2010 28-JUL-2010
29-MAR-2010 1.4 31-MAR-2010 28-APR-2010
29-DEC-2009 1.4 31-DEC-2009 26-JAN-2010
30-SEP-2009 1.4 02-OCT-2009 27-OCT-2009
30-JUN-2009 1.5 02-JUL-2009 27-JUL-2009
31-MAR-2009 0.85 02-APR-2009 27-APR-2009
29-DEC-2008 1.2 31-DEC-2008 26-JAN-2009
25-SEP-2008 1 29-SEP-2008 10-OCT-2008
30-JUN-2008 0.31 02-JUL-2008 29-JUL-2008

Also Read: Zim Dividend History

About AGNC Investment Corp.

AGNC Investment Corp. is a company that focuses on investing in mortgage-backed securities. But what does that mean? Well, it means that AGNC invests in bundles of home loans, which are then turned into securities that can be bought and sold. This allows AGNC to earn money from the interest paid on those mortgages.

It’s like being a middleman between people who want to buy homes and the banks that provide the loans. AGNC is known as a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), which means it’s required by law to pay out a significant portion of its earnings to shareholders in the form of dividends. This makes AGNC an attractive choice for investors looking for regular income from their investments.

One of the things that sets AGNC apart is its expertise in managing different types of mortgages. They’re not just focused on one kind of home loan – they invest in a variety of them. This helps spread out the risk and makes their investments more stable.

The company has a team of experts who carefully analyze the mortgage market and make strategic decisions about where to invest. This careful approach has helped AGNC navigate through different economic conditions over the years. So, if you’re looking for a company that knows the ins and outs of mortgage-backed securities and has a track record of managing them wisely, AGNC Investment Corp. might just be the right fit for your investment portfolio.

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